Following the Round Table session with government officials of G20, media conference was held at press conference room of Japan Press Club in Tokyo. (Please visit here for the report on Round Table) Yumiko Horie from Save the Children Japan facilitated the discussiion.
Focusing on the key messages of C20 global health policy asks , seven panelists explained how and why these asks from civil society needs to be integrated into G20 discussion.
Among the panelists, Santosh Kumar Giri from Kolkata Rista, India presented that "no one left behind" could only be achieved, when LGBTIQ people are completely free from discrimination and stigma in society. Chris Lynch from Alzheimer's Disease International, UK and Noriyo Washizu from Alzheimer's Association Japan outlined the current situation of ageing society as an impending issue faced by growing number of countries in the world. They proposed to prioritize the issue of Non-communicable diseases, nutrition, and Alzheimer diseases to realize active ageing society
Following the conference, some panelists received interviews from the attended journalists for deeper understanding of their messages. We greatly hope that global health issue will increasingly gain attention toward G20 in June and G20 Health Minister's Meeting in October.